Andrew Cuomo reportedly met Chris Christie on Jersey turf Monday morning. The two governors were spotted “huddled at the back” of the infamous Tick Tock Diner in Clifton, New Jersey, reports Politico. They stayed for about an hour, a cashier confirmed.
Representatives for the governors are mum on what the two might have discussed over breakfast. The latest Port Authority traffic study? The Northeast’s crumbling transit infrastructure? Cuomo’s new chief-of-staff, formerly a Christie aide? Or maybe they were just shooting the breeze about presidential runs past, and probably future?
One Tick Tock customer snagged a selfie with the New York governor, though Christie is nowhere to be seen.
The diner, featured on The Sopranos, is famous for its “disco fries” and also for its former manager, who was convicted of a murder-for-hire plot against his uncle.