President Trump said Wednesday that “everyone” thinks he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for the recent diplomatic progress made with North Korea. “But I would never say it,” he added.
Trump went on to say he’s more interested in success on the Korean peninsula than the award, which he must not know comes with a sizable monetary prize: “The prize I want is victory for the world. Not for even here — I want victory for the world because that’s what we’re talking about. So that’s the only prize I want.”
By victory for the world, Trump likely means denuclearization of the North Korean regime. And while Pyongyang appears closer to that than it has in years, it’s still a bit early to begin handing out Nobel Peace Prizes. That hasn’t stopped some sycophantic Republicans and shrewd foreign leaders from stroking Trump’s ego by declaring him the winner though.
Fact is, if North Korea does give up its nuclear weapons program, Trump will have a good case for joining Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama as Nobel winners. And at that point, he’ll likely have no problem making it himself.