Blunt: A cigarillo emptied of its tobacco and filled with an entire gram. A party-size smoking option and, given the skill involved in rolling, one that confers street cred.
Bowl: A pipe, usually made of glass but sometimes metal or, in a pinch, almost anything at hand (apple, beer can, kazoo).
Bud: The part of the cannabis typically sold for smoking or otherwise consuming.
Eighth: Short for �eighth of an ounce,� or 3.5 grams. The six-pack of weed.
Gram: Enough bud for two joints, this is the smallest quantity it is socially acceptable to purchase over the age of 21.
Hashish: A product made from the parts of the cannabis plant that get you high�dense, compacted trichomes and resin�processed into brick or paste form.
Hemp: The multiuse fiber made from the stalks of cannabis, which give the plant its fig leaf of agricultural respectability.
Hydroponics: Soilless growing systems that can pump plants full of extra nutrients.
Joint: Marijuana rolled with paper, once known as a jazz cigarette.
Kief: A super-potent powder made from trichomes that have flaked off the cannabis during the curing process; also, means �pleasure� in Arabic.
Landrace: A general agricultural term meaning strains indigenous to particular places, like Thailand. The cannabis equivalent to heritage-bred pork.
Marijuana: Not as obvious as you think: This is the Mexican colloquial name for smokable cannabis buds.
Resin: The THC-rich substance produced by the plant’s trichomes. Can be scraped out from a heavily used pipe and smoked for a last-ditch buzz.
Roach: The butt of the joint. Consider developing calluses to smoke these without burning your fingertips.
Sinsemilla: From the Spanish meaning �seedless,� a method of cultivating cannabis to maximize the amount and potency of psychoactive flowers.
THC: Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive compound in cannabis, concentrations of which have ratcheted up so high in recent years that for the most potent strains, a little puff is all it takes.