• New York parents keep their kids from starting kindergarten until they’re nearly 6, or even older, all in hopes of ensuring their kid isn’t the “runt of the class.” We suggested last November it might not be the worst idea. But remember: It also increases the chance your daughter is the one who’s first to bring tampons to school. [NYT]
• In other kid-related news, a New York City prosecutor wants parents to put “license plates” on their kids’ strollers so that bad nanny behavior can be reported. But what if you’re the one reported, on nanny’s day off? Awk-ward! [NYDN]
• The debate over nightlife security got even uglier yesterday, with, first, the Bloomberg administration backing away from the City Council proposal to install I.D. scanners and security cameras at nightclubs; second, the New York Nightlife Association raising a hue and cry over the entire thing; and, third, NYNA and NYPD fighting over whether off-duty cops should be allowed to do security. Sit back, get comfy, and watch the fight. [NYS]
• Moynihan Station is officially dead for now, thanks to Shelly Silver. He thinks the current plan to turn the main post office into a new train station isn’t comprehensive enough. He added that he’ll never let Bloomberg build a plan he wants on the West Side, ever. Then he said nanny-nanny-poo-poo. [amNY]
• Rangers lost; Devils won; nobody cared. Those Mets, on the other hand… boo-yah! [NYP]