Michael Richards’s recent wacko racist rant has led to outrage, identity crises, and — oh, yeah — a good opportunity to sell T-shirts. The real Kramer just e-mailed us and everyone else who’s ever taken the Kramer Reality Tour to offer his take on the fake Kramer’s predicament. “It became necessary for me to put a disclaimer right on the home page of my website, explaining that Kramer is a character that Michael played on TV and I’m the person Kramer was based on, etc.,” he wrote, although we suspect he’s the only one who’s ever confused the two. And if you were worried this unpleasantness has hurt the real Kramer’s business, you can relax. “Kramer Reality Tour DVD, as well as tour gift certificates, ASSMAN license plates, and Seinfeld T-Shirts are still available and make great holiday gifts,” he continued. Yadda yadda yadda. Kenny’s full e-mail is after the jump. —Lori Fradkin
Dear Friends and Fellow Seinfans:
Please forgive this form letter but, after the Michael Richards’ “incident” I have received thousands upon thousands of e-mails from people all over the world. About 5% of the e-mails have been hate mail - calling me names and saying that I’m a racist and they will never again watch ME on Seinfeld. Obviously these people are not very bright. There was so much of this kind of mail that it became necessary for me to put a disclaimer right on the home page of my website, explaining that Kramer is a character that Michael played on TV and I’m the person Kramer was based on, etc.
(see: http://www.kennykramer.com)
The good news is that 95% of the e-mails have been very positive, especially from hundreds of people who have been on my Kramer’s Reality Tour. If I were to respond to each of these e-mails personally, it would put a major cramp on my leisure time activities. You can imagine how I would feel about that. After all - I am KRAMER.
So many of you have expressed your concern hoping that this brouhaha won’t harm my business. In the long term, I honestly don’t know how this will effect me. The tour is still selling out, but most of these holiday season tickets have been booked well in advance of this situation.
In any event I just want to thank everyone who wrote with good wishes and kind words of support.
The funniest thing to come out of this incident, besides my quote in an AP story that ran in thousands of papers:
(“Judith Regan is now on a plane to California, trying to sign Michael Richards to a book deal: “If I Were a Racist, Here’s What I Would Have Said.”’)
is also short video that the National Lampoon did. It’s been all over the web, but in case you haven’t seen it, here is the link. Check it out. It’s hilarious and kind-of takes a little of the sting off the situation.
So thanks for reading this and thanks to sooooo many of you for your good wishes. I hope you all have a great holiday season..
Incidentally, I would not be the shameless self-promoter I am if I did not mention that the Kramer Reality Tour DVD, as well as tour gift certificates, ASSMAN license plates, and Seinfeld T-Shirts are still available and make great holiday gifts for your friends who are still and will always be SeinFans. Order on-line or call 800 KRAMERS (572-6377) outside North America 212 268-5525.
Additionally, my stage version of the tour that I travel with to theaters colleges and corporate events is still going strong. (For info see: http://www.krameronseinfeld.com/)
Have a healthy and prosperous New Year.