• Just in time for Bloomberg’s $150 million help-the-poor initiative, the Times unloads a “Giving” section. It comes complete with an attempt to launch a word (“philanthropreneurs,” and, um, keep trying) and, best of all, a graphic titled “Bono’s Beneficent Universe.” [NYT]
• A shocking! new! poll! has Hillary Clinton pulling ahead of Giuliani and McCain in a presidential matchup. Buried in the cover story’s eighth graph: Her advantage falls within the margin of error, so it’s a tie. But you’ve already bought the Post. [NYP]
• The good news is that you are now able to swipe your cell phone at subway turnstiles. The bad news is that it necessitates “a consortium of credit card and wireless providers.” So the future is now — if you’re a Cingular customer with a Citi card. [amNY]
• Andrea Peyser, a noted expert on Crips and Bloods, is disappointed that not enough gang members showed up to a Sean Bell protest, because the press release promised gangs. Oh, just read it. [NYP]
• And Brooklyn hip-hop scenesters mourn the closing of Beat Street on Fulton, an iconic vinyl store; everyone cites digital age as the culprit. This is the store where Fannypack formed — is nothing sacred, iTunes? Is nothing sacred? [NYDN]