
Factory Porn?

In Factory Girl, Sienna Miller and Hayden Christensen might have engaged in not-so-simulated sex on camera. (Also, Diddy doesn’t want anyone taking pictures of him with Miller. Also, all Sienna’s partying is merely PR for Factory Girl.) The house that Graydon Carter threw scaffolding outside of yesterday? Harvey Weinstein’s. (Graydon’s also having a tough time selling his new documentary, Chicago 10.) Chuck Schumer has imaginary friends. Former Paramount exec Gail Berman and former ABC exec Lloyd Braun are starting their own production company. Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is going to bare all onstage in a London play.

Donald Trump ex No. 2 Marla Maples supports Hillary for president. Michael Buble, boyfriend of Emily Blunt, hates Hollywood, celebrities, and the Grammys. The Game (or rather, his lawyer) is confident he’ll be acquitted on charges that he impersonated a police officer. Miss USA Tara Conner cops to having snorted cocaine. Brandy, after killing someone in a car accident, is being sued for $50 million. A new vodka supposedly burns fat while you drink it. (We’re dubious. And suddenly a bit parched.) Mike Tyson is joining Lindsay Lohan in rehab at Wonderland. Only two Miss Americas matter, says Liz Smith: Phyllis George and Vanessa Williams. Which, frankly, is two more than we thought.

Factory Porn?