in other news

Lift Ev’ry Voice and Chicken Wing

We’re loath to get between any female and her fridge, but the strong black woman in us is a little concerned by this week’s headlines. First there was restaurateur B. Smith on NPR defending her job as the new, potentially Aunt Jemima–ish, face of Betty Crocker’s corn bread. Then — more NPR! — came a piece on the mysterious disappearance of fried-chicken-loving Beyoncé’s backside in Dreamgirls. Finally, today we came across a video clip on Vanity Fair’s Website of Tyra Banks’s photo shoot for the February issue — in which the former supermodel manages to keep her appetite under control for three whole minutes before informing the camera she’s off to eat some wings, her booty be damned.

And just in time for Martin Luther King Day!

B. Smith Becomes the Face of Betty Crocker Cornbread [NPR]
What’s Missing in ‘Dreamgirls’ [NPR]
America’s Next Top Mogul [VF]

Lift Ev’ry Voice and Chicken Wing