But the title itself, like a bad penny, may resurface, perhaps before the end of 2007.
Murdoch’s high-profile rejection has only made the book more attractive. (Imagine the cover blurb: “The book that Rupert Murdoch doesn’t want you to read!”)
And so, alas, we will have to expect new chapters in the history of the crime of the last century.
Of course, it could have been worse. Herewith, some phrases we presume were included in the first draft but left on the cutting-room floor at the Time & Life Building:
But the title itself, like someone jumping out to murder you when you least expect it, may emerge from the hedge before the end of 2007.
Murdoch’s high-profile rejection has only made the book more attractive. (Imagine the cover blurb: “Okay, Rupert: The gloves are off!”)
And so, alas, unlike Ron and Nicole, this project just won’t die.
It’s fun for everyone! Well, except for the dead people.