• The cafeteria at Bloomberg LP got a bad score from the city Health Department. Hearst and Condé Nast were much more sanitary. [Radar Online]
• Serendipity exists for online newspapers as well as print, thank you very much. [WSJ]
• Despite what former GE boss Jack Welch had to say about him recently, Jeff Zucker is getting a promotion at NBC. [LAT]
• At Roth Capital Partners, strippers, rappers, and togas are the norm. Add Ben Affleck, and you’d have Boiler Room 2. [NYP]
• Why bother leaving Ernst & Young quietly when you could send an insulting screed that will leak all over town? [DealBreaker]
• Carl Icahn, the Hungry Hungry Hippo of the financial world, is trying to buy up the auto-parts business Leer. [DealBook/NYT]
• Aaron Charney, the gay lawyer suing his former firm for discrimination, is getting sued right back. [NYS]
• And the chairman of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Law Association has resigned over public comments he made in support of Sullivan & Cromwell over Charney. [New York Law Journal]
• Should legal bloggers be required to label their content as “attorney advertising”? [Legal Blog Watch]
• Read New York’s complete Fashion Week coverage.