neighborhood watch

Park Slopers Indignant Over Hypothetical Crimes

Bedford-Stuyvesant: Does a yoga studio on “murderous Myrtle” portend for still-gritty Bed-Stuy an increase in serenity, gentrification, or both? [Bed-Stuy Blog]
Coney Island: Those with a primal need to purge societal misfits can rest easy. Coney’s much-loved “Shoot the Freak” attraction will survive another year, despite surrounding demolition by dervish developer Thor. [Gowanus Lounge]
Elmhurst: Built in 1906 with funds from Andrew Carnegie, the charming local library is slated for demolition to make room for a bigger facility. [Queens Chronicle via Queens Crap]
Harlem: Is the Corn Exchange, that 1884 Romanesque Revival pile by the 125th Street Metro-North station, destined to house an “affordable” culinary school? [Uptown Flavor]
Park Slope: Life in La Slope is so halcyon-bordering-on-dull that residents spend their time speculating about where they’d be mugged if muggings routinely happened there. [Brooklynian]
Times Square: In order to build a 50-story condo-hotel on West 45th, megadeveloper Extell has bought up air-space rights over three old Broadway theaters, very likely ensuring their future. [Curbed]

Park Slopers Indignant Over Hypothetical Crimes