• “Articles like that in New York may stir us, may even incite a novel thought, but they won’t put meaty health policy on the table. They won’t change the beer and donut consumption patterns of a couch potato. And they won’t put meaningful pressure on a key politician. To my way of thinking they amount to a kind of soft porn: they feel good, but they don’t do much.” [A Healthy Blog]
• “Ugh … America is really effed up. At the end of this article that had me curling my toes praying to God that nothing bad befalls me (yes I am one of the young invincibles), there are some solutions … Will check out that NYU dentist.” [A Ghanaian Girl Lost in New York]
• “[T]he other, less recognized side of the problem is that even those who do have insurance, who pay the ever-rising premiums for company plans or scrape up the psychotic sums demanded for solo insurance, are getting less and less for that not-inconsiderable monthly payment.” [Birds & Bills]
• “Never has Johnny Rotten’s prediction of ‘No future for you,’ seemed more accurate.” [Honky-Tonk Dragon]