The first thing you need to decide when playing Editor’s Assistant is who you’re going to be. You can pick from several options, and we chose Gigi, an unnaturally blonde Spanish chick with a penchant for bubble skirts and motorcycle boots, and Norma, a librarian-esque redhead who loves her pink newsboy hat. After choosing an outfit — we went with a strapless baby-doll top, flared jeans, and many tantalizing accessories: scarf, pink newsboy hat, studded leather bag, pink newsboy hat, cropped leather jacket, and oh yeah, did we mention that pink newsboy hat? — we were ready for our first day. Lookin’ hot, feelin’ good. And then the action began. Or rather, didn’t. The assistant’s duties, in a nutshell: sit at desk, answer the constantly, irritatingly ringing phone, click on the calendar to schedule appointments — such as, unrealistically, attending fashion shows during fashion week (if only!) — all set to a hot elevator-music soundtrack. Occasionally, we’d get to run to the door — to hand our boss her nondescript purse, for example. But we never actually got to see our boss, or anyone else, for that matter. The way the game works, we sat in our stylin’ office until we’d earned enough points to go home and put together our next cool outfit. (The denim mini with the red tank, by the way.) We were ready for … another day behind the desk.
Is this really what a Seventeen assistant’s life is like? We’re pretty, well, busy here at New York. Gigi and Norma had little going on in their day other than choosing the fabulous ensembles they’d don the next morning. At first we thought, poor girls. But then we realized: Dressing Norma and Gigi is significantly more fun than dressing ourselves in the morning. Where did they get that pink newsboy hat? It’s sweet. —Norma and Gigi