Silver and Bruno in the Capitol cafeteria this week.Photo: AP
Who’d have thunk it. Just shy of a year after New York’s top court ruled against same-sex marriages, the Assembly, today’s Sun tells us, is set to pass legislation allowing it, making New York only the second state in which a legislative body has done so, after California. (Schwarzenegger vetoed California’s bill; same-sex marriage in Massachusetts was ordered by the courts, not the legislature.) Shelly Silver hasn’t taken a public stand on the question, but he’s considered likely to vote for the measure, which is believed to have enough votes to pass. Spitzer has also said he’ll sign. But don’t book the catering hall yet, Mary: Joe Bruno and his Senate Republicans are, naturally, opposed. Which will no doubt doom the measure this year. Meantime, in the other big legislative news we city folk care about — well, aside from Times reporter Nick Confessore’s limited nightlife options — it’s Bruno and the Spitz who favor congestion pricing, and Silver’s who’s gonna hold up that one, it looks like. Gotta love Albany. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.