So it turns out the biggest problem with the New York Stock Exchange moving increasingly to electronic trading isn’t the end of jobs for specialists, or ruining the Big Board’s uniqueness, or any of those other things the traditionalists have argued. It’s that on a day when the Dow drops 311.50 points and there are big, worried headlines on all the news site, the classic frenzy-on-the-trading-floor news photo should look a hell of a lot more, well, frenzied than this. Boo.
Stocks Fall, Photos Disappoint
So it turns out the biggest problem with the New York Stock Exchange moving increasingly to electronic trading isn’t the end of jobs for specialists, or ruining the Big Board’s uniqueness, or any of those other things the traditionalists have argued. It’s that on a day when the Dow drops 311.50 points and there are big, worried headlines on all the news site, the classic frenzy-on-the-trading-floor news photo should look a hell of a lot more, well, frenzied than this. Boo.