Here’s what we’re thinking: As A-Rod’s agent pointed out to the News today, if Canseco knew Rodriguez had used steroids, he would have put it in his first book, Juiced. Plus, when Canseco originally told Boston radio station WEEI of his intentions to publish the second book, he said it would prove A-Rod to be a “hypocrite.” The Bronx Bomber has never taken a particularly vocal anti-steroid stance, and he’s actually one of Barry Bonds’s only New York fans. Not to credit Canseco with too much verbal nuance, but a steroid revelation would make A-Rod a phony, not a hypocrite. So we’re guessing the “stuff” is something else. Let’s hope involving “things.” —Joe DeLessio
Chipper Shocker [NYP]
For Yankees Star, it’s a Case of Guilt By Players Association [NYDN]
Alex’s Agent Reads Between The Lines [NYDN]