Channel 2 has picked up on an upsetting trend at the Chelsea Dog Run — hounds getting high on a mystery drug that some are saying is crystal meth. We’re actually, astoundingly, not joking here. Three dogs have died and many more have fallen ill after consuming mystery substances while playing at the park on 22nd Street. The organization NYCdog has issued a warning to pet owners across the city. “After the first incident, it was believed to be an isolated case where an illicit drug may have fallen out of someone’s pocket,” a press release said. “But now, with nine reported cases, it appears to be the act of deliberate poisoning.” The Channel 2 report said that some owners even saw a stranger feed their dogs before they fell ill. Many will probably think that the obvious culprits — those damn meth-loving Chelsea gays — are behind this, but if there’s anything that gang treasures more than sleeveless tees, it’s puppies. We smell a setup!
Danger in the Dog Park: Is Someone Giving Your Pooch Drugs? [Channel 2]