An unlikely champion for the struggling Katie Couric emerged today. Her knight in shining Brooks Brothers is rival Shep Smith, who anchors Fox News’ evening newscast. From an interview today on TV Guide’s Biz Blog: CBS Evening News tried to do something different last year after they hired Katie Couric, and it was rejected.
They didn’t try it for long. And was everybody at CBS News on board? Probably not. Did they give it a chance? Did they take the woman who was successful beyond everyone else’s dreams in the morning and try to change her into something else after a week? Was there a PR disaster that happened? Did they mismanage it beyond the exclusion of every reasonable thought? I think these are all fair questions. I’m glad we don’t operate the way they do.
A feminist at Fox News. Who knew?
Shepard Smith Promises a “New and Better” Fox Report [Biz Blog/TV Guide]
Related: Alas Poor Couric [NYM]