• GOP consultant Roger Stone resigned his job with the state Republican Party over that call to Pa Spitzer, but he still maintains — busted alibi and all — that Democratic operatives may have just broken into his house and made the call from his phone while using some kind of high-tech device to impersonate his voice. Ya-huh. [NYT]
• As finger-pointing continues in the Deutsche Bank building debacle; today we learn more about the mysterious John Galt Corp., the demolition subcontractor apparently named by a 15-year-old Ayn Rand fan: Its workers drank, smoked, and ignored basic safety rules on the job. [NYDN]
• A million New Yorkers don’t have health insurance, according to a report released yesterday. And almost three-quarters of those people have jobs. [NYDN]
• Forget to pick up Fido’s feces? The Sanitation Department wants to raise the fine for failing to use a pooper-scooper from $100 to $200. [NYDN]
• And police commissioner Ray Kelly fired an anti-terrorism cop because he failed drug test. The cop’s excuse? His wife sprinkled marijuana in his meatballs. [NYP]