• Glamour Fashion Gives Back. Aglow Studios, 421 Broome St., nr. Crosby St., 8 p.m. Scheduled guests include Amanda Peet, Emily Mortimer, Ginnifer Goodwin, and Catalina Sandino Moreno. Quite a collection of actressing talent… you could probably get a one-hour family drama picked up on a major network based entirely on footage of conversations that take place tonight in the women’s bathroom.
• Alek book party. Socialista, 505 West St., nr. Jane St., 7 p.m. Alek is the autobiography of Alek Wek, the Sudanese supermodel; expected guests include Diane von Furstenberg, Iman, Maggie Rizer, and others. The full title of the book is ALEK: From Sudanese Refugee to International Supermodel. Will that bold, first-name-only identification help her join the pantheon of icons like Gisele, Pele, and Ali — or will she fall into the disgraced and forgotten ranks of such hubris-addled icon-wannabes like Marge, Herb, and Snortz? (No idea who we’re referring to? Exactly!)