Ever wonder who would win in a battle of wills between Anna Wintour and Madonna? (We’ll be honest — 82 percent of our day is spent thinking about issues like this.) Well, now you have the answer: Madonna. (As if there was any question — one of Madonna’s giant eyeballs alone could break Wintour’s little parakeet neck.) Portfolio’s Jeff Bercovici puts the question to rest with actual evidence — a spat over the cover of Condé Nast’s ubiquitous “Fashion Rocks” magazine. The once-a-year issue comes packaged with nearly all Condé titles and combines music and fashion coverage. It’s basically a bundle of lucrative advertisements, and gets great placement. Apparently, Wintour wanted Madonna for the cover, but Her Madgesty wouldn’t agree to perform at the “Fashion Rocks” concert this Friday — which is obligatory for anyone who appears on the cover. So Wintour was forced to go with her second choice, Jennifer Lopez. Madonna is one of the only female stars who would dare say “no” to Wintour and not fear retribution, so we’re pleased she is exercising this power. We’re also pleased that, as Bercovici points out, former Fly Girl J.Lo is relegated to backup once again.
Madonna Gives Fashion Rocks the Brush-off [Mixed Media]