Koch said his scariest moment in office was when a bunch of doctors threw eggs at his face during the Iran hostage crisis. Kristen
Johnston forgot her lines while performing at The 24 Hour Plays. Bill
Clinton said that he’d like to do a makeover of Grumpy Old Men with Bill Crystal if Hillary is elected president. An assortment of famous folks ate at both href=http://www.nypost.com/seven/10262007/gossip/pagesix/dueling_dens.htm>Le
Cirque and the Waverley Inn. Donald Trump’s brother, href=http://www.nypost.com/seven/10262007/gossip/pagesix/blaine_makes_split_official.htm>Robert,
and wife Blaine got a divorce. Ben
Affleck said he’d rather worship Satan than flip baseball-team loyalty à la Rudy Giuliani. Maybe fat Ryan Gosling hung out with a hot brunette at Rose Bar.
Ratings for Ellen’s TV show jumped 10 percent after her doggy breakdown. Cisco Adler and friends wore dresses and then took their clothes off at an L.A. club. Britney Spears’s mom is writing a book. Russell Crowe says that Leonardo DiCaprio was still a virgin at 17. (He also offended Spike Lee by telling him he’d only star in the director’s boxing flick if he could be Joe Louis or Muhammad Ali). Lindsay Lohan is living at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Developer Steven Roth finally sold his Park Avenue apt for $9.5 million. Former rocker Dave Navarro likes the porn industry a lot more than he likes the music industry. Ex heroin kingpins Nicky Barnes and Fred Lucas endorsed Rudy Giuliani for president. Kiefer Sutherland drank beer and watched the World Series at Fiddlesticks. Madame Tussauds now has a wax figure of Biggie Smalls.