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Alexis Pope Peed Her Pants; and She Wants Everyone to Know About It


One, or perhaps all, of the people in this
photograph have peed their pants.Photo:Getty Images

We almost wet ourselves this morning when the Daily News introduced us to Alexis Pope, a nine-year-old student at the Bronx Little School and a nascent urinary-rights activist. Alexis, like so many others at the Little School, had an accident in class this year, due to the fact that the bathrooms at the school are under construction, and therefore the little ones have to wait for scheduled trips to the loo, and, well, kids don’t wait very well. While this is no doubt great news for the kids who would have peed their pants anyway, it’s a bummer for everyone else. But far from hiding her shame with crossed legs and changes of clothing, Alexis is taking her fight public: “I feel embarrassed,” she tells the News “I feel like I’m a wetter girl.” Christ, do kids take responsibility for nothing these days? Oh, kidding. As if it isn’t bad enough that Alexis is thus branded, she and her peers now have to face an even uglier truth of life: “When you go into the boy’s bathroom, it’s disgusting. It’s your nightmare,” she said. Welcome to harsh reality, Alexis. Wait till you get old enough to start going to bars. Or worse, Barnes and Noble.

A Wee Problem [NYDN]
Related: Grub Street’s Guide to Loos You Can Use

Alexis Pope Peed Her Pants; and She Wants Everyone to Know About It