We totally rolled our eyes at Bob Morris’s very last “Age of Dissonance” column in the “Sunday Styles” section this weekend, because the “Thank You Notes Are Nice” column has been written approximately 400 gazillion times before, although probably not ever preceded by the awesome caveat, “if you want to be sure to be included in a will…” But that was before we saw the true transformative qualities a handwritten note can have! This morning’s Post reports that such a note from Hillary Clinton actually managed to flip right-wing harpy Elisabeth Hasselbeck into a Democrat! Apparently, Hillary sent Hasselbeck a missive after the birth of her son a couple of weeks ago. It was “truly a most thoughtful and warm act,” Hasselbeck told the Post. “I may actually change my vote.” Well, how about that! If anyone needs us, we’ll be at home calligraphing thank-you notes to Jared Kushner and Stan O’Neal. Maybe they’ll include us in their wills!
A New “View” On Old Clinton [NYP]
Yes, Thank You [NYT]