Police think Linda Stein, left, was murdered by her
assistant, who is not, by the way, the other
woman in this photo.Photo: Patrick McMullan
Linda Stein’s personal assistant, Natavia Lowry, 26, was arrested this morning for bludgeoning the Ramones manager turned real-estate developer in her Fifth Avenue apartment last week. Apparently Lowry, who was arrested for theft back in December and is also apparently a model, made statements implicating herself in the crime. “It was that Linda just kept yelling at her, over everything,” an official told the Times. “They fought. It was like a continuous thing, like a buildup.” For which, obviously, there’s a proportionate response, like throwing your cell phone into a fountain and striding off into your new wonderful life, but apparently Lowry missed The Devil Wears Prada. She’s being held at the station house on the Lower East Side.
Assistant Arrested in Killing of Real Estate Agent [NYT]
Earlier: Intel’s coverage of Linda Stein