Ever since designer Marc Jacobs came back from rehab all tanned and buff, some reporters think that he has been “acting out” (clearly said reporters took a one-semester class in child psychology freshman year). There was his infamous Fashion Week show this fall, which was delayed for two hours, followed by infamous verbal fisticuffs with the International Herald Tribune’s Suzy Menkes, followed by the hot nudie pictures in Out and Arena Hommes Plus and the blue — sorry “navy” — hair. A concerned Eric Wilson of the Times sat down with him to find out what it was all about:
“In the most basic way I can say it,” he said, relighting a cigarette, “coming from a psychological place, what I love more than anything is attention. That is about as honest of a statement that I could possibly make. I want a reaction, because I want the attention.”
It’s not that we didn’t already know that. It’s just that, well, for him to just come out and say it makes this whole year of drama just … lovable.
Loving and Hating Marc Jacobs [NYT]
Related: Daily Intel’s Marc Jacobs Obsession
The Surreal Marc Has Designs on TV [NYM]