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When Bono Met Bloomberg


Bono and Bloomberg awkwardly avoid eye contact.Photo: Getty Images

Yesterday Bono and Mayor Bloomberg met to talk about what philanthropic and civic projects they could team up on. The meeting went well, according to Bono, who told the AP that he thought he and Bloomberg could make beautiful music together. “I think [Bloomberg] could do an awful lot of good,” he said. But it’s not just Bloomberg’s money, or his power, or his soft, soft skin that draws Bono to him. He likes him for him.

What I’m interested in is not just his cash, but his intellect, and how his business acumen could be used to work for the world’s poor.”

We think this sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship. Maybe Bloomberg will, like Bono, move into Julian Schnabel’s big pink castle and join the cast of Schneighbors!

Bono and Bloomberg Could Harmonize On Helping the Poor [NYS]
Earlier: Look Who’s Schneighbors!

When Bono Met Bloomberg