If we had to say that Gossip Girl was missing anything — and we mean had to, because obviously the show is pretty much brilliant and perfect, but say we were really under duress, like someone was waterboarding us, and we had to pick something to save ourselves — we’d probably say that the one thing the show is missing is a gay dude. Why is there no Ricky to Serena’s Angela Chase, no Matt Fielding to Jenny’s Rhonda Blair, no Clinton to Blair’s Stacy? This is New York City, for the love of Kathy Griffin! Gossip Girl’s lack of gayness is frankly eerie, especially when there are lines like, “Their feud was over faster than Jessica Simpson’s acting career,” which are clearly intended for a gay. But the good news is we totally forgot about Blair’s father, who supposedly left her mother for a male model! Now, the show’s fan site is telling us that John Shea, formerly of Superman, will turn up in future episodes. We can’t wait.
Blair’s Gay Daddy Will Be Revealed in a Later Episode [GossipGirl.tv via Gawker]