Sean Young Learns Not to Mess With the Schnabel
By now you have probably heard that Sean Young, she of Blade Runner and Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend, had wee bit of an alcoholic moment at the Directors Guild Awards on Saturday. In case you missed it, Young slurred, “Get on with it,” during our friend Julian Schnabel’s acceptance speech, after which she was forcibly removed from the premises and sent straight to rehab, because that’s what happens when you fuck with His Schnabulousness. Because the DGA Awards were tragically untelevised, the story has until now been passed along like folklore: via the written word and Julie Chen’s excellent dramatic reenactment of the incident on Letterman. But today the Hollywood Reporter, bless them, posted a video, which we present to you above. Young’s not in it, but let’s face it, it’s not really her that matters.
Video Exclusive: Sean Young Versus Julian Schnabel [HR]
Earlier: Intel’s Coverage of Julian Schnabel