Bill O’Reilly is aghast at the “hate speech” on the Internet, he says in his column today. “Instead of wearing white hoods, these despicable people hide behind a machine,” wrote the Fox host, who recently suggested on his radio show that he might need to encourage a “lynching party” to go after Michelle Obama should she continue to imply she did not love everything about America. What’s got Bill all worked up today are the comments on the Huffington Post about 86-year-old Nancy Reagan falling in her house. Sure, the commenters there are batshit, but leaving aside the whole first amendment thing, what about the commenters on Post Web site, where O’Reilly’s column regularly appears? What about the comments you know, in the Post. But lo, soon enough we find out what’s reallygot Bill so excited. “People like Arianna Huffington should be taken out to the village square and publicly scolded,” he writes. Hmmmm. Scolded. Maybe she should be scolded with a falafel.
Hate Speech and the ‘Net [Bill O’Reilly]