Buried in Rush & Molloy’s “Side Dish” section today is a totally fun, kinda bitchy tidbit from Mike Bloomberg about Hillary Clinton. At a private event on Wednesday, Bloomberg said he thinks that after Super Tuesday, she’s “going to be the nominee.” But, he said, “that’s not to say she can beat John McCain.” Bloomberg and New York’s junior senator have been friendly as they’ve worked together on state issues, but his comments Wednesday seem a little skeptical. Hizzoner couldn’t vote in New York on Tuesday because he’s now a registered Independent. If he did make a bid for the presidency starting next month, he’d be courting a lot of the outside-the-box, fiscally conscious voters who have been attracted to McCain. “Hillary should pray I get in the race,” he cracked, “because that would help her.” Ah! Hubris! He’s already sounding presidential…
Side Dish [NYDN]