The rapidly deteriorating economy, the five-year anniversary of Iraq, and new governor David Paterson’s seemingly limitless libido all may have distracted you from what’s going on with our fallen former governor. But news is still dribbling out about the Spitzer affair, and perhaps more importantly, so are sexy pictures of hookers!
Here’s what happened over the weekend while you were busy stuffing your face with chocolate and hunting for colored eggs:
• Darren Dopp, the Spitzer communications director who was suspended amid allegations that he was the architect of a plan to smear Spitzer’s rival, Joe Bruno, has turned vehemently against his mentor: He’s now testified to Albany district attorney P. David Soares that it was Spitzer’s idea to release the records on Joe Bruno to the press and that furthermore, he wasn’t very nice about it when Dopp suggested, ever so meekly in his account, that Bruno would be upset.
Mr. Spitzer responded with expletives about Mr. Bruno and belligerently dismissed the warning….The governor was so angry, Mr. Dopp recalled, that he turned red and spit out coffee he was sipping as he directed him to release the records immediately. “As he was saying it, he was spitting a little bit,” Mr. Dopp said. “He was spitting mad.”[NYT]
• According to his own travel-expense rules, Spitzer may need to reimburse the state for the time he spent with “Kristen”. [NYT]
• Longtime Spitzer-family antagonist Roger Stone says he knew about Eliot’s predilection for prosties back in 2007 and wrote the Feds a letter about it. [Fox]
• Times ombudsman Clark Hoyt is super-proud of the paper’s coverage of the Spitzer sex scandal and subsequent fallout. [NYT]
• During a meeting with Dan Cantor from the Working Families Party, Spitzer positioned his face twelve inches from Cantor’s screamed at him. “Curse piled upon curse, spittle flying.” Again with the spittle! [NYT]
• Recently deported Brazilian madam Andriea Schwartz says that she used to book live sex shows for Spitzer. This is probably an utter lie, but the Post does have a gallery of sexy hooker pictures to go with! [NYP]
• Frank Bruni and his friends say all the political sex scandals have made them feel like they should be more adventurous sexually. [NYT]
• Walking down the hallway on the way back from his resignation, Spitzer cried. “I couldn’t look,” the aide said. [NYT]