The McGreeveys in happier times, back when T.G.I.
Friday’s was just a nice place for a pre-orgy nacho
plate.Photo: AP
Well, the Post really dropped the ball on the whole David Paterson affair story (their version of the tale was devoid of quotes from the new governor, and filled with the line “the Post has learned” without the polite “from the Daily News” after it), but man, are they on top of the McGreevey threesome story. “IT WAS 3-MENDOUS” blares their headline. (All the News could come up with was “McOrgy.” Lame.) Andrea Peyser called the series of trysts between Jim McGreevey, Dina Matos McGreevey, and limo driver Teddy Pedersen as “T.G.I. Friday’s Three-For All.” Shrieks Peyser:
The couple frequently enjoyed dinner a trois, before retiring to lick leftover spicy Buffalo wing sauce and chive-immersed sour cream from Pedersen’s body. Lord knows what they did with the fried mozzarella sticks.
Come on, Andrea — you know exactly what they did with them. If you didn’t have such a vivid imagination for the tawdry and disgusting, you’d be out slicing oranges in Prospect Park with the rest of the soccer moms. Anyway, the best part of today’s updates on the McNage à trois was that the former governor was quick to confirm the sexual encounters, just as his estranged wife immediately denied them. The problem with having sex with more than one person at a time, you see, is that suddenly it’s not your word against his. It’s your word against his and the cute limo driver’s*. And that, like most situations involving sex and mozzarella sticks, is an uncomfortable situation in which to find yourself.
Matos McGreevey denies threesomes; Jim McGreevey confirms aide’s account [NYDN]
*Did anyone else notice that Ted Pedersen is 29 now, which means that he was 20ish when these affairs took place before 2001. Wow. Go-Go Gadget McGreeveys!