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Anderson Cooper Unleashes His Deltoid Dirigibles on National Television

Anderson Biceps Live With Regis and Kelly Ripa

Screen-grabbed to the left is our favorite moment of morning television from all week (even better than when the New Kids on the Block were on the Today show and Natalie Morales almost exploded). In it, Kelly Ripa tries to teach Anderson Cooper and some of her staff how to exercise (or was it Jazzercise? It was unclear). Anderson is a remarkably bad sport about it all, though that’s probably because every single move appears to be a thinly veiled ploy to get him to pantomime some aspect of gay sex. “I don’t know what a wide second position is!” Manderson weakly protests at one point. But as you can see from this image, the whole segment is enough to show the world that we are, and always have been, completely correct to obsess over his biceps. They’re ludicrous. Look at them. He looks like goddamned Popeye. Except whiter. We’re in love.

Anderson Cooper Gets a Thigh Workout [HuffPo — includes video of segment]
Related: New Kids on the Block Make Triumphant Return to Morning Television

Anderson Cooper Unleashes His Deltoid Dirigibles on National Television