neighborhood watch

Cobble Hill: Still Brooklyn Enough for a Park Curfew

Bellerose: Democrats are livid that a public school in this part of Queens is to be named for longtime Republican state senator Frank Padavan, who holds one of a handful of seats needed for Dems to seize the Senate in the next election. [NYDN via Queens Crap]
Cobble Hill: Cops last week were cracking down on folks who violated a park curfew here that starts as early as 9 p.m. Come on, this ain’t no hooligan oasis like that park over in Carroll Gardens. [Brooklyn Paper]
East Village: At a recent community board meeting, sounds like it was the young hipsters who were kvetching about a noisy new skate park and the old-timers who were defending it. Veddy interestink. [Curbed]

Flatiron: The landlord of the longtime SRO the Breslin on Broadway is turning it into a boutique Ace Hotel and wants to herd about a hundred holdout tenants on a common floor, but most are resisting. [Chelsea Now]
Greenpoint: And speaking of hipsters, it appears that a stop-work order has been put on a rooftop expansion at casa de los hipsters Studio B. [Newyorkshitty]
Highbridge: A dispatch from this part of the Bronx suggests that the Sean Bell verdict outraged locals much more than the official New York Times account reported. [West Bronx Blog]
Upper West Side: Madonna’s finally managed to buy a $7 mil, seventh-floor co-op at Harperley Hall (where she’s already had a big pad since the eighties), after suing the co-op board for blocking her bid. Bite that hard candy, board. [Real Deal]

Cobble Hill: Still Brooklyn Enough for a Park Curfew