• Dan Rather and his lawyers hit the courtroom yet again over the three remaining complaints in the former CBS anchor’s $70 million lawsuit against the Eye network. [NYO]
• A judge temporarily blocked the renovation of the north-end Union Square park. [NYT]
• A Brooklyn judge pleaded guilty to stealing $160,000 from his aunt’s estate. [NYT]
• Yahoo’s earnings report came in at $1.35 billion, which is about $300 million more than Wall Street projected. But is that good enough to convince Microsoft to up the ante in its takeover bid? It doesn’t look like it. [NYP
• JPMorgan is still mulling over which Bear Stearns employees to keep and which to let go. High-profile rainmaker Donald Tang is among those whose jobs are up in the air. [NYP]
• The general feeling at Citigroup’s annual shareholders meeting was a tad bit murky yesterday as shareholders questioned executives and board members for four long hours. Regardless, the bank’s directors were still reelected. [DealBook/NYT]
• Meanwhile, at the New York Times Company’s annual meeting yesterday, chairman Arthur Sulzberger Jr. squelched rumors of a Times sale and discussed his four-point plan for turning the company around. Oh, and those two directors that everyone has been talking about were elected to the board, too. [NYT]
• CBS Evening News ratings hit a record low. [NYT]
• CNN launches its “League of First Time Voters” to help empower voters during this political season. [HuffPo]
• In the last five years, more people have moved from Manhattan to La-La Land than the other way around. [NYO]
• Community Board 1 is really, really worked up about plans for developing the lot at 74 Hudson. [Curbed]
• A British firm may buy up Harry Macklowe’s buildings. [NYP]