Meet Tricia Walsh Smith. She’s the British actress-playwright wife of Schubert Organization president Philip J. Smith. The pair are getting a divorce, and, since Tricia signed a pre-nup when they got married, she feels like she’s losing everything. (In the video, she says she’s getting summarily kicked out of their giant Manhattan apartment, but since Cindy Adams wrote about the nasty split
last August, we’re wondering how she didn’t see it coming.) So what did Tricia do? She made a YouTube video, with low-to-medium production values, but high emotional intensity. In it, she claims, “We never had sex. He said he had high blood pressure and he was old, and I accepted that. Then, last year, when we went through all of this I found Viagra, porn movies, and condoms.” Then she calls the Broadway titan’s office to ask his assistant what to do with said sex material. And then she shows off her wedding pictures, which feature Elaine Stritch. The theater gossipmongers who found the clip over at
All That Chat are a little torn as to whether to gleefully dissect it, as Phil Smith is well-liked in the industry. But we think Tricia speaks for herself well enough in this clip. It’s not pretty, we warn
Related: Real-life Broadway Tragedy [NYP]