Earlier in the week, claims arose that the late Heath Ledger may have had a love child with a woman other than Michelle Williams (mother of his daughter, Matilda). The possibility was raised by one of Heath’s press-happy uncles. There was a bunch of confusion for a couple of days, and then today two interviews appeared that should have cleared everything up. OK! spoke with the woman (and her husband), and they swear it’s not true — and even offered to undergo a DNA test. But that’s not enough for Heath’s uncles — another one of them gave an interview to Us Weekly today calling the love child story “berserk,” but still refusing to rule it out. “I really feel for the little girl that’s in the middle of this, and my thoughts are with her and her alone,” explained Heath’s uncle Mike. “The little girl is the most important thing in the whole thing.” Is she? Or is it the paychecks you get for exclusive interviews with celebrity magazines, unc?
Heath Ledger’s Uncle: Love-Child Reports Are “Absolutely Berserk” [Us Weekly]
Denied: No Love Child for Heath Ledger [OK!]