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Porn Company Gets ‘SATC’ Doll Right, New York Wrong



So this company recently introduced a blow-up doll that is, shall we say, loosely based on Carrie Bradshaw. That is to say, the doll is called “Sarah Jessica Porkher” and the pink box that it comes in is resplendent with other SATC-related puns, some of which are brilliant, some of which are not: “Sex in Her Shitty”? Love it, kudos. “She loves Big?” Whoever said gilding the lily was a bad thing? “This high-class piece of ass is gonna show you her Lower East Side”? Um, no. No, no, no. Clearly, California-based Pipedream Products needs to brush up on their New York geography. There are about 10,000 other parts of New York City that are better suited to this double entendre, including but not limited to the Diamond District, Little Brazil, Bull’s Head, Turtle Bay, Tenderloin, Brownsville, Bocaca, Sugar Hill, Gowanus Canal, and most obvious, Triangle Below Canal a.k.a. Tribeca. Which by the way, Pipedream, is the neighborhood to which you can mail our check.

’Sex and the Slutty’ blowup [NYP]

Porn Company Gets ‘SATC’ Doll Right, New York Wrong