
See All the New ‘Gossip Girl’ OMFG Ads

Apparently the creators of the Greatest Show of Our Time have noticed the trend in advertising toward bleeping. That is, the popularity of ads that have curse words written into them, only to be purposefully bleeped out. The CW has released a whole new string of ads based around the theme of OMFG. Yes, they mean to say Oh. My. Fucking. God. Click above to view one of them. They use clips from previous episodes and make them seem even dirtier than they actually were (no one has ever said “Fuck” on the show and had it bleeped out — it’s written, so that’s avoidable). But they are enough to whet our appetite for the new season, which starts in ten days. Ten days. OMFG!

Here are the ads:
Dan and Serena in Bed!
Blair in a Confessional!
Everyone in Bed!

CW turns up heat for ‘Gossip’ [HR]

See All the New ‘Gossip Girl’ OMFG Ads