During the 2004 presidential election between John Kerry and George Bush, Donald Trump hedged his bets. According to the Huffington Post’s Fundrace database, in the same quarter of that year he donated $2,000 to each candidate. But these days, he’s feeling like he lost out even though one of his candidates won. The Daily News overheard him bash Bush while in Scotland pushing his $2 billion gold resort:
“We have a President in the United States who’s terrible. He stinks,” Trump said.
Trump said he can’t wait to see Bush head back to Texas after the November election is done.
So has The Donald learned his lesson, and will he be choosing sides for real this time around? Nah, he has good things to say about both Barack Obama and John McCain, so he’s erring on the side of caution. Just the way, judging from the above picture, for the rest of his time in windy Scotland he’s erring on the side of more hairspray.
Donald Trump Bashes President Bush [NYDN]
Earlier: Donald Trump’s Hair Conceals More Than Just His Bald Spot