Former State Senate majority leader Joe Bruno has accepted the job of CEO of a national IT firm less than a week after stepping down from his Albany office. (This makes the Monday Post report by Frederic U. Dicker that David Paterson offered Bruno a job seem even weaker than it was when everyone involved denied it.) Bruno will help run CMA Consulting Services, which creates information-technology systems for business and governments. It has more than 400 employees across the country and is run by Kay Stafford, the widow of a longtime Bruno friend (and former GOP state senator) Ron Stafford. The company does work with the New York government, but Bruno doesn’t see that as a problem, as all of their contracts are achieved through public bidding and state legislators are legally barred only from lobbying after retirement from office, not from taking other types of jobs. At least one group has already cried foul, but we can’t see why anyone would be surprised — Bruno didn’t think it was a problem to receive massive consulting fees while in office from a firm which sought his help in convincing union pension funds to invest with it. (He’s still under a federal probe for that.) Now that he’s retired, this new gig practically squeaks with cleanliness.
Bruno Joins Private Sector As CEO Of IT Company [NY1]
Related: The Un-Reformed [NYM]