Yesterday it came out that Eliot Spitzer charged a couple of the nights he spent at the Mayflower Hotel in January to his campaign. Whether he ordered in prostitutes while he was there, as he did in February when he was caught at the same hotel with Kristen from the Emperors Club, is unknown, but the papers are doing their best to suggest he might have. Says the Times:
The two payments, $411.06 apiece, were recorded on Jan. 14, 2008, although it is unclear what nights were covered, or whether Mr. Spitzer stayed at the hotel. A person with knowledge of the evidence developed in the federal investigation of Mr. Spitzer said the former governor had two encounters with prostitutes in Washington in early 2008.
We hate to say it, but we’re kind of on the Luv Guv’s side on this one, even if he did stay there, and he did order in a prostie in order to have gluv-less sex with her. As far as we know, whenever Spitzer he went to D.C. he went on business, which makes expensing his hotel room okay in our book. Say it’s you: You go somewhere on business, and when you are done with your conference or whatever, you kick back and watch Three Men and a Little Lady on pay-per-view at the hotel room. You probably shouldn’t expense Three Men and a Little Lady, but should your company not have to pay for your hotel room because while you were there you had two hours of fun? We think not. Now replace Three Men and a Little Lady with “hookers.” See? We rest our case.
Spitzer Charged Campaign for Hotel Bills, Raising Questions on His Use of Funds [NYT]