In a shocking development, YouTube divorce superstar Tricia Walsh-Smith lost her battle to throw out the prenup she signed with Broadway bigwig Philip Smith. A judge decided yesterday that the agreement, which the couple signed in 1999, should still stand — leaving Tricia with no more than $750,000 of Philip’s estimated $25 million estate. She’ll also have to vacate their precious Park Avenue apartment in 30 days. CBS News has video of Tricia and Philip after the court appearance, in which Philip says that he is pleased with the verdict, and Tricia spends some time dancing around and singing “I’m going bonkers!” It’s worth a watch.
As for Tricia’s scathing YouTube videos, which made the playwright and former actress famous, the judge ruled them “cruel and inhumane.” Tricia vowed to appeal the ruling, but you can tell what she was really thinking about the whole time was her next video. By our estimation, there’s a 97 percent chance it’s filmed on the street, and she’s wearing battle makeup.
Man Wins Divorce From Angry Wife In YouTube Video [WCBS]
Earlier: Tricia’s First Video
Tricia’s Second Video
Tricia’s Third Video
Tricia’s Fourth Video
Related: The YouTube Divorcée [NYM]