Chelsea: A strip club named Sapphire, which bills its Vegas branch as the “Ritz-Carlton of Gentleman’s Clubs,” wants to open at 23rd Street and Eleventh Avenue, along with a boutique hotel, steakhouse, and other “varying themes to satisfy every indulgence.” If this area has to become a sex district again, can it at least be the old, raunchy, downscale kind? [Metro]
Crown Heights: Once more, with feeling: Locals do not want a homeless shelter moving here, which it may. “Now that we can walk outside without getting shot, you’ve decided to throw sand back on our heads,” a resident says. But as unpleasant as it is, sand on your head is not as bad as getting shot, right? [Gothamist]
Park Slope: Who is stealing all the copper pipes around here? [Gowanus Lounge]
Rockaway Beach: Seventeen homes lined up on the 84th Street Pier, long owned by the state or city, will finally be able to be bought by their inhabitants, whose Italian families have lived their for generations. Even aerially, this little colony looks cute — check it out! [New York Press via Queens Crap]
Roosevelt Island: This tour around the dynamic, changing, bustling island has the best caption ever: “The Octagon was once a lunatic asylum and [is] now a luxury condominium.” Same difference! [amNY]
Upper West Side: A-Rod is reportedly looking into a four-bedroom at 15 Central Park West, home of units up to $80 mil. And it’s only two blocks from Madonna’s place, if the duo’s separate hype teams choose to extrude more faux-affair sausage from their collective buzz-grinder. [NYP]