That’s what it looks like. A group of hackers claim to have broken into Sarah Palin’s personal Yahoo account and have posted screen grabs from its interior. If this is true, it’s noteworthy because Palin is reported to have often used personal e-mail to conduct state business away from prying eyes. The original photobucket page has been deleted, but not before Gawker and the Peter Rost Blog could nab the good stuff. We were on the phone with the McCain campaign when Gawker published some of the exposed e-mails (and listed a lot of personal e-mail addresses, including Bristol and Track Palin’s). We’ll let you know what the McCain people say when they get back to us, but for now, Gawker reports that the e-mail account in question ([email protected]) has been shut down.
Sarah Palin’s Personal Emails [Gawker]