Though he’s been a hyperactive Obama supporter and get-out-the-vote activist, elfin Scotsman/future American Alan Cumming won’t be able to vote next month. He’s not a naturalized citizen yet. But it doesn’t mean he hasn’t marked voting day in his own special way in the past. Last night, while emceeing an Obama fund-raiser at the East Village studio of artist Gregory Colbert, Cumming told us about his One Crazy Night — Election 2004. We smell a classic in the making!
The doe-eyed scamp doesn’t quite remember where the evening started, but Harvey Weinstein was definitely there. The trouble began when the Hollywood impresario got a disappointing phone call from a Kerry campaigner in Florida. “I remember thinking, Fuck, it’s actually not gonna happen,” Cumming recalls. Wearing a “Worst President Ever” T-shirt, Cumming and his partner (now husband), Graham Grant, “made this pact to each other that we’d go to every trashy gay bar we knew. I remember doing handstands at Splash. You know where the evening’s going when you’re doing handstands at Splash.” Sounds like a normal night to us, but whatever!
Finally, in the wee hours of the morning, Cumming and friends “ended up in a hotel opposite ground zero with a tranny. We checked into a hotel because it was the only way we could think of getting more booze.” Oh, a celeb-tranny like Lypsinka or something? we asked. “She wasn’t famous. Nice though! We were just so desperately unhappy.” This time around, “I’m just worried about what I’m going to do if Obama doesn’t win. I feel like there will almost be a revolution. So I want to be in a safe space.” Still, what we wouldn’t give for an apocalyptic, self-destructive all-nighter of handstands and trannies with a pansexual Tony winner.
Related: Foreign Actor Wants to Vote for Barack [NYM]
‘Nick and Norah’ and the Best One Crazy Night Movies of All Time [Vulture]