Last night The Daily Show aired one of its typically brilliant “investigative” pieces, this one delving into the shadowy underworld of community organizing and the voter-registration mafia that is ACORN. Naturally, they secured a no-name pundit who was willing to educate the audience on the realities of community organizing: one Matthew Vadum of the Capital Research Center. Vadum, speaking truth to power, stated that being a community organizer wasn’t a fit background for someone running for president, reminding us that “Osama bin Laden was a community organizer.” Well, we suppose that’s true-ish! And community organizing, says Vadum, “can also lead to a very rewarding career in crack-cocaine trafficking. It’s a straight line from community organizing to crack-cocaine dealer. Community organizers exchange crack cocaine for votes.” Well, duh. Some people vote for the sticker, others for the high.
So what sort of person would actually spit out this sort of nonsense? Thankfully, Videogum has discovered a genius musical montage of Vadum imagery to help us understand him better. Enjoy shots of Vadum partying, in a variety of attire, with all sorts of people: name-tag-sporting brunettes, boozy blondes — oh wait, there’s Condi Rice! (1:15) — some more generic chicks, maybe the dude from the Bachelor, people in bad D.C. clothes — hey, that’s Hitchens! (1:30) — and a cat. Click to watch one man’s story told in pictures.
[via Videogum]