Condé Nast just released the following statement regarding Men’s Vogue:
Men’s Vogue will be absorbed into Vogue and published in the spring and fall, it was announced today by Charles H. Townsend, President and C.E.O of Condé Nast Publications. It will continue to be edited by Jay Fielden.
This means that it will be poly-bagged with Vogue, not that it will be a section of the women’s magazine itself. It’ll probably retain the sense of style it’s developed over the past three years, we hear, instead of mimicking Vogue Man, which really was a Vogue knockoff when they tried it in 2001. The magazine’s staff were notified this morning, and it’s still undetermined what will happen to most of them. Since Vogue handled ad sales for Mogue during their launch, we imagine it will go back to that model. This all makes us sad — not only because we really wanted to believe that there were manly men out there who really care about fashion, but also because it had been doing well. Mogue was about to raise its rate base to 400,000, the third increase since their 2005 launch, and paid subscriptions were up 60 percent this year. In fact, we were among the new subscribers! Speaking of which, we’re totally never going to get that weekender bag now, are we?
Earlier: Will ‘Mogue’ Cut Back to Two Issues Per Year? Or Fold Altogether? [Cut]
Update: Gawker hears that the staff of Portfolio is also being called into a big, ominous meeting. Oh no!
Condé Nast just released the following statement regarding Men’s Vogue: