Have you been on Google Trends yet? It does this really cool thing where you type in search terms and it creates a graph that kind of pits them against each other and tells you which is the more sought-after thing on the whole Internet. Like a popularity contest! For instance, you can measure “Nick Denton” against “Satan” and see which one is more popular (it’s Satan). Anyway, the clevercloggs at Mediabistro have already used it to shame America by informing us that Gossip Girl is a hotter topic than the economy right now, to which we say, obviously, it’s probably because Jenny and Dan Humphrey are not total lost causes. We’d guess the news that poor Ben Bernanke’s personal searchiness comes in far, far under the fair Blake Lively’s even in this, the most important year of his life, doesn’t come as a huge shock to him, either. Girls like Serena have been stomping on him for years.
Gossip Girl Now More Important Than the Economy [FishbowlNY/Mediabistro]